ELLIS PhD & Postdoc
The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems offers an interdisciplinary PhD program. The ELLIS PhD program is a key element of the ELLIS initiative and its goal is to foster and educate the best talent in machine learning related research areas by pairing outstanding students with leading academic and industrial researchers in Europe. The program supports excellent PhDs across Europe by giving them access to leading research through boot camps, summer schools and workshops of the ELLIS programs. Every PhD student is supervised by one ELLIS fellow/scholar and one ELLIS member from a different country and conducts a 1 year exchange at the other location.
The ELLIS program offers an academic and an industry track. To find out more about how these differ and how to apply for an ELLIS PhD position, please see the official ELLIS website.
ELIZA connects seven German ELLIS Units (Berlin, Darmstadt, Freiburg, Heidelberg, München, Saarbrücken, Tübingen) including their academic institutions and industry partners, and aims to become the leading German brand for research and research training in machine learning-driven AI. The network offers master’s and doctoral students supervision by renowned scientists, interdisciplinary research projects and a strong collaboration with industry. ELIZA’s activities focus on areas such as: fundamentals of machine learning including related areas, e.g. computer vision, natural language processing and robot learning, machine learning systems, applications in autonomous systems, and transdisciplinary applications of machine learning in other scientific fields (from life sciences to physics).
Find out more about ELIZA and the ELIZA Master’s Scholarship here.
CMU Summer School (RISS)
In the coming years, the ELLIS Unit Freiburg will deepen its partnership with the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), one of the top universities for robotics research in the world. We are establishing an exchange program in which students from the 4th semester of Bachelor’s in computer science will be eligible to participate. Our goal is to involve bachelor’s students in research at an early stage, where they will have the opportunity to work with leading experts for a period of three months at CMU.
Please find more details about the Robotics Institute’s Summer Scholars (RISS) program in the flyer for download. The RISS team at CMU has been organizing the exchange with other universities and several countries very successfully since 2006!
Are you interested in such a research stay? Contact us with a short letter of motivation and we will guide you through the application process. Applications should be submitted to both DAAD and RISS.
Please include the following in your letter of motivation:
- Name
- Semester
- Confirmation of your availability for a research stay in USA from June 6 to August 31, 2021 (depending on the COVID-19 situation in person or online)
- Motivation for participating in the RISS program
- Which research field are you interested and why? (Please select at most two)
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- State Estimation
- Aerial Robotics
- Motion Planning
- Computer Vision
- Robot Perception
- Autonomous Driving
- Robot Learning for Manipulation
- Learning from Demonstration
- Medical Robotics
- Reinforcement Learning
- Automated Machine Learning
- Hyperparameter Optimization
- Where do you see yourself professionally 2 years after your bachelor’s degree?
Application infomation:
Contact us at: RISS@cs.uni-freiburg.de
Deadline December 15, 2022 https://www.daad.de/rise/de/rise-weltweit/ueber-das-programm/ Deadline January 15, 2023 https://riss.ri.cmu.edu/apply/